A good place to start service work is on a local level. Local non-profits may be short-staffed and really need your expertise. On a national level, there are some very interesting opportunities to do pro-bono work and volunteer work and may lead to new experiences with benefits far beyond monetary compensations. Sometimes they may provide a stipend or other assistance. International groups are ones that operate on a world wide platform to help in third world countries. The peace corps is one example.
Links to local non-profits are for the area of Calhoun County in southwestern Michigan. By some research, you should easily be able to find non-profits in your area that need volunteers and service learning workers. The other two links (upper left) are for US/National and also International non-profit groups.
Please email links to the webmaster about any link to a non-profit that you think should be added to these listings. There is a form below to fill out. Thank you in advance for your support in building this resource.